Get Ready for Your Birth

with one-on-one, expert consulting through your labor preparation

Heather Moll

Childbirth Readiness Consultant

Prepare for Labor with 6 Steps

There are six major steps that any pregnant woman should complete before labor begins.

  1. Study: Understand the Labor Process
  2. Plan: Create your Birth Plan
  3. Who: Choose a Care Provider
  4. Where: Choose a Birth Setting
  5. Practice: Master your Labor Skills
  6. Prepare: Prepare your Birth Supplies
Heather is an expert at guiding you through these six steps so that you are confident and ready for your birth.

One-on-one guidance through labor preparation

Experience a personalized, one-on-one journey through the 6 steps of labor preparation, guided personally by a 30-year veteran of childbirth education and delivery.

Through a series of one on one coaching sessions and a tailor-made preparation program, you will be guided through the six steps so that when labor begins, you will be ready and confident.

What is included in the program:

  • One on one coaching sessions delivered by phone or video call
  • Personalized labor preparation program catered to your specific needs
  • Guidance on writing a birth plan, selecting a care provider and a birth setting
  • Guidance through what skills to practice like breathing and comfort techniques


I cannot overstate how instrumental Heather Moll was in making each of my deliveries not only successful but deeply gratifying and memorable.

Her calm expertise, unwavering support, and compassionate care made all the difference during some of the most important moments of my life.


Heather is truly like no other. She delivered me 30 years ago, and then supported me in the birth of my own daughter earlier this year!

I am so lucky to have her as a resource since literally day one! Heather is more than a birth worker. She is a birth angel.


About Heather

Heather Moll is a Childbirth Readiness Consultant who prepares expectant parents for the birth process through one-on-one consulting.

During her 30-year career as a midwife and childbirth educator in the San Francisco Bay Area, she delivered 950 babies and taught 18,000 expectant parents.

The Birth Book

Heather is also the author of The Birth Book, a simple and visual handbook for labor.

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Let's Get Started!

Heather accepts a limited number of students at a time. Begin your birth readiness journey by applying for a free, no-obligation 30-minute consultation session!
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